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Lincoln Street Beach surfaces as possible dog park candidate

By Bob Seidenberg Acknowledging the City was at a crossroads on the issue, Evanston officials turned to Council members at their Sept. 20 meeting for direction on where the City’s second dog park should be located. The City is down…
Many options to spend $43 million in ARPA funds

By Bob Seidenberg Workforce development, hazard pay for employees, and climate action strategies are among the items on the table as Evanston City Council members weigh spending $43.1 million in federal COVID-19 recovery funds. Council Members are not ready to…
Staff shortages slow Evanston restaurants road to recovery

By Bob Seidenberg Gina Speckman, executive director of the Chicago North Shore Convention & Visitors Bureau, had led off with a fact-filled presentation at the city’s Economic Development Committee meeting June 23  on why the city should support her…

 By Bob Seidenberg Evanston residents, age 29 and under, are getting hit particularly hard in the resurgence of the Covid-19 virus. At the Oct. 26 City Council meeting, Mayor Stephen Hagerty reported that 50 percent of the City’s COVID cases…