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‘A rough couple of years’ for Main Street businesses

By Bob Seidenberg Everything feels lush and green. A warm blanket of foliage surrounds you on entering Louise Rosenberg’s plant shop, the Cultivate Urban Rainforest & Gallery, at 704 Main St., snug in the Main Street business area. The business’…
Tenants in Wesley apartments forced to vacate early

By Bob Seidenberg Tenants were relocated from 2018 Wesley Ave., one of the Wesley buildings the city has determined needs major renovation work, four days earlier than the original May 13 deadline, with police and a board-up crew making a…
Video gambling proposal heading to City Council

By Bob Seidenberg A proposal that would allow local businesses to obtain video gambling terminals is heading to the full City Council with some members of the city’s Human Services committee arguing in support of the ordinance’s benefit to local…
Committee backs ARPA funding for key business initiatives

By Bob Seidenberg and Mary Gavin Evanston Economic Development Committee members backed allocating some of the city’s remaining federal pandemic recovery funds to a number of key business initiatives at their April 24 meeting, including $500,000 for the Maple/Church/Davis plaza…
Library’s new plan aims to create a welcoming space for patrons

By Bob Seidenberg Yolande Wilburn, the Evanston Public Library’s new executive director, told library trustees that one question came up repeatedly in conversations with patrons and in surveys. Members of the Library’s Racial Equity Task Force, in a lot of…